Liquid SARM Range

NEW Liquid SARM Range ...

These products are exclusive to BIGBoyz and VERY Effective!

Unlike the majority of SARM Suppliers out there that buy products from China, slap a label on it and sell it as their own product, BIGBoyz in-house Bio-Chemists research, formulate and manufacture everything in our own facility here in Melbourne, Australia.

These New Liquid Research Compounds will become the new compliant performance enhancing products can you can use without any major side effects and legal consequences (vs illegal steroids).

PLUS, you'll be the first to try them, use them and benefit from their potent results.

... and this is just the beginning ... check them out below ...

PHX2 - Pumped & Hard - Anabolic Activity Switch

If you like SARM LGD4033 ... You'll love PHX2!

Here's why ...

The (legal) active compound found in PHX2 works on V.E.G.F (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and its receptor, which increases the level of blood volume and up-regulation of signalling (anabolics tend to increase the amount of nitric oxide you produce, so this means noticeably increased pumps).

PHX2 also has androgenic properties which contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones and contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood.

The model compound in PHX2 is an anti-androgen, anti-proliferative and androgen receptor antagonist while still being anabolic.

It does have some characteristics found in the nandrolone style family, where you will gain some body weight (as this is how anabolics tend to work), but it would be a combination of skeletal muscle and a slight increase in body fat.

RCX2 - Receptor Switch

  • Use 'Other' Performance Enhancing compounds? ...

    The (legal) active compounds found in RCX2 are direct acting SARMs and it's very unique in how it works. ONE of the 3 main components in RCX2 is necessary for cell division, contributes to protein synthesis, which can cause anabolic growth to increase substantially and you can potentially gain more lean muscle mass than without it.

    Imagine ... increasing the effectiveness of any SARM or Steroid Cycle, how would that help your training?

    Introducing RCX2 ... by BIGBoyz ...

LHT2 - Luteinizing Hormone & Testosterone Trigger

  • If you like SARM RAD ... You'll love LHT2! ...

    We think it's better than RAD ...

    LHT2 is a composite SARM and is a mixture of our primary PHX2 compound attached to a (modified) raspberry ketone and activated with our propretary active carrier blend.

    As previously mentioned describing PHX2, the main (legal) active ingredient in PHX2 is an anti-androgen, anti-proliferative and androgen receptor antagonist while still being anabolic.

    In essence, using LHT2 long-term can contribute to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels, normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones with increased activity at the receptor as an anabolic.

  • Great as a standalone product or incredible when 'stacked' with other products as outlined below ...

BIGBoyz Liquid Stack

  • The BIGBoyz Liquid Stack is designed for those that do not wish to use (illegal) steroids yet still want results in the gym.

    A combination of everything mentioned above ...

    PHX2 - Anabolic Activity Switch

    1st up, we'll unlock your anabolic potential...

    RCX2 - Receptor Switch

    2nd, RCX2 will be necessary for cell division...

    LHT2 - Luteinizing Hormone & Testosterone Trigger

    3rd, we'll contribute to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels, normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones with increased activity at the receptor as an anabolic.

  • You'll be pleasantly suprised at the results this stack has to offer ... See more info below!